If you have ever watched a magician on television, YouTube or in person and wondered if you too can be a magician, the answer is YES! Many performers, including magicians first develop their skills with family members as an audience. Using the guidelines below you can put together a mini show and present it to a small group or even one person.

Here is a checklist to present a DIY Magic Show at Home:
- Visit your local library to check out some magic books (793.8) and/or videos
- Watch the videos and skim the books to select about 5 tricks appropriate for your age.
- Gather the necessary materials to do the tricks to learn and practice.
- PRACTICE: It’s best to learn one trick at a time. Set a goal of learning one trick per day. Standing in front of a mirror will show you what your audience will see.
- For tricks selected from a magic book, read the effect (what is supposed to happen during the trick) then read the explanation (how the trick works) then practice the trick while following the explanation. It will probably take several tries to get the trick work as explained in the book.
- For tricks selected from a video watch the video of the specific trick then practice the trick while following along with the video.
- After learning each trick write down an order of the tricks then practice them in that order. Try practicing your 15-minute show each day for three to five days. Each day you will get a little bit better.
- Record your performance: Have someone record your 15-minute magic show with a cell phone. By watching the video, you should get a good idea of what you will need to do to improve your show before your performance.
- PERFORMANCE: Once you are comfortable with your performance it’s time to invite an audience to watch the show. Set a time that everyone in your home can come together in a living room or den to watch.
- Congratulations! You are now a magician. The more you practice, the better you will become at performing before an audience.
Suggested set of tricks to present:
- 3 Minutes – Opening trick (Make an object appear! ex: your magic wand, a handkerchief, etc.)
- 3 Minutes – A helper trick using someone from your audience (Card trick, trick with a borrowed object, etc.)
- 3 Minutes – A puzzle trick
- 3 Minutes – A helper trick using someone from your audience
- 3 Minutes – The big finish possibly with a music background (Make something disappear and reappear, float in the air)
For additional ideas visit Magic Resources
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